New patient journey
Patient care pathway for Periodontal treatment at Pure Periodontics
Non-Surgical Therapy is the mainstay of initial periodontal treatment. It involves a deep cleaning procedure (debridement of the tooth root surfaces) where by the plaque, calculus and toxins in contact with the tooth surfaces are removed. This is completed using a specifically tailored and minimally invasive approach and can include periodontal debridement, Airflow® therapy and Waterlase™ technology.
Waterlase™ technology changes the environment in the gum pocket through thorough removal of toxins and calculus, it is highly effective and more comfortable than traditional therapy and promotes healthy tissue regeneration. By eliminating toxins and irritants the gum tissue is able to heal and the pockets begin to shrink.
Watch more about treatment of nervous and anxious patients.

Our Protocol:
1. Periodontist consultation
The initial consultation begins with a review of your medical and dental history. Following this, detailed measurements are taken from around the tooth to assess the health of the gums. The presence of bleeding, gum recession and tooth mobility will also be recorded.
In health the space between the tooth and gum is no more than 3mm, when gum disease is present this ‘pocket’ between the tooth and gum can be much deeper. Radiographs will also be taken and used to assess the bone support for your teeth.
Following these examinations the findings are analysed and a diagnosis made. We will then have a discussion of the treatment options available, the prognosis and the cost of treatment.
2. Preliminary appointment
Before commencing treatment for gum disease we need to modify as many risk factors as possible in order to help you achieve the best result possible.
It is important for you to understand your role in achieving the best result and this is linked to understanding your risk factors and their potential impact. As bacterial plaque is the initiator of disease it is important to ensure you can meticulously remove plaque from the teeth at home. We request that you bring your toothbrush and any oral hygiene aids you currently use to this appointment.
Detailed individual instructions and advice will be provided to ensure you can effectively remove plaque at home. To enable you to carry out effective plaque removal deposits of plaque, calculus and staining will be removed from ‘above the gumline’ alongside complete disruption of the plaque biofilm using the latest Airflow® therapy.
Other risk factors that are individual to you will also be reviewed and managed where possible. We will liaise with your General Medical Practitioner and General Dentist when necessary.

3. Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy
The aim of non-surgical periodontal therapy is to remove plaque, calculus and toxins that are in contact with the tooth root surface from below the gumline. This is completed under local anaesthetic and normally over 2 appointments for your comfort. By eliminating toxins and irritants the gum tissue is able to heal and the pockets begin to shrink.
Periodontal debridement, Airflow® therapy and Waterlase™ technology can be used to achieve this. A specifically tailored combination will be used depending on your individual needs.
4. Review and Supportive Periodontal Therapy
Following treatment there will be some changes in your mouth and we need to reassess your homecare to ensure optimal plaque removal is continued at home. At these appointments we will review your current plaque control and assess for sites of bleeding in the mouth.
Following non-surgical therapy some patients report tooth sensitivity, due to healing which results in gum recession. Sensitive toothpastes applied topically to the areas of sensitivity can help to alleviate this.
No measurements of the gums are taken at these appointments as evidence has shown that regeneration following laser treatment can take upto six months and the healing process should not be interfered during this time. We will disrupt and remove the plaque biofilm using a combination of ultrasonic debridement and Airflow® therapy.
These appointments builds on the previous appointment to ensure optimal plaque removal. Healing can still be occurring at this stage so it is important for us to check your plaque control and make modifications where required.

5. Periodontist Reassessment and Supportive Periodontal Therapy
The measurements taken at the initial consultation are repeated and a comparison made between the measurements to assess the outcome to treatment. The degree of healing and response to treatment is different for every patient, but we would expect to see a reduction in bleeding and the depth of the pockets. Some patients will require further active periodontal treatment.
Following reassessment, a plan will be provided for ongoing care. This may include further active periodontal therapy or it may be for long term supportive periodontal therapy. All patient’s require long term supportive care following periodontal treatment, the interval between these will be tailored to your individual needs.