Bleeding gums
Bleeding gums
Any patient suffering from sore or bleeding gums will no doubt be distressed by the experience. It’s uncomfortable and unpleasant, which is why Pure Periodontics is dedicated to helping their patient’s prevent bleeding gums. It is important to remember that oral health doesn’t start and end with the teeth themselves. The surrounding tissue is also subject to infection and disease as well. If not properly cared for, gums can cause considerable irritation to anyone unlucky enough to find them inflamed.

Why are my gums bleeding?
There are number of reasons why gums bleed. The least common examples are where healthy gums and tissues are cut by a sharp object, perhaps a toothbrush with a worn away end or an unexpected bone in a piece of food. In this case, the best case of action is to wait for the wound to heal and be sure to maintain a healthy environment with good brushing habits.
However it is much more likely that bleeding gums will be caused by issues with the general standard of oral hygiene. Plaque bacteria forms on the teeth and at the gum margin every day, if it is not effectively removed it can lead to inflammation and bleeding gums. This initial stage of disease is known as gingivitis. It is important to seek a professional opinion as soon as possible if you notice bleeding gums.
How to stop
bleeding gums
The first step is the most obvious one and it involves looking after your teeth and gums more effectively brushing last thing at night and on one other occasion, and cleaning between the teeth everyday with interdental brushes or floss is going to help prevent the bacteria from forming in the first place and generally ensure that you need to spend less time in the dentist’s chair. Helping to disrupt the buildup of plaque bacteria will stop it from accumulating and causing damage. What many fail to realise is that you’re cleaning your mouth, not disinfecting it so it’s a constant job.

Stabilise active disease
Once gingivitis has occurred it is important it is assessed by a professional. They can advise on the best course of action to treat and stabilise the active disease, treating gum disease at the earliest stages can prevent further destruction of the tooth supporting tissues. Treatment for gingivitis is fairly simple, it starts with reviewing your current methods of bacterial plaque removal and modifying it where required, it is then followed by cleaning plaque and calculus from the gum line. It can’t be done at home and requires a session with a professional, but it is not invasive. Once the irritants have been removed- usually by scaling or debridement- the patient must take care to prevent the accumulation of plaque.
What to do if it’s spread
If the disease has already spread from the gum to bone, then the condition has become a little more complicated. Deeper pockets will have formed around the teeth and the affixation of the teeth to the gums comes under threat. This will cause the gums to become separated from the the teeth and lead to the roots become exposed and vulnerable. Bleeding gum treatment should start immediately because the problem will only become worse in time as a vicious circle begins. Spaces that appear will cause even more plaque bacteria to accumulate under the gums and the area become increasingly difficult to access.