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Pure Periodontics

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Tooth Loss: The Consequences of Untreated Gum Disease

Tooth Loss: The Consequences of Untreated Gum Disease

Gum disease, medically referred to as periodontitis, is more than just an oral health issue. It's an alarm bell, warning of potential danger ahead. But what happens when we ignore this alarm? Let's dive into the repercussions of untreated gum disease and its link to...

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Bad Breath: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Bad Breath: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Bad breath, medically termed halitosis, is a common problem affecting millions of people worldwide. It can be embarrassing and may even harm social interactions and self-esteem. Let’s delve into the causes, how to diagnose it, and potential treatments. Causes: Oral...

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How is Gum Disease Treated and is There a Cure?

How is Gum Disease Treated and is There a Cure?

Gum disease, medically known as periodontal disease, is a common oral health issue. But how is it treated, and can it be cured? Let's delve into the details in this quick read. Early Detection is Key The first step to addressing gum disease is recognising its signs:...

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Oral Health and the Silent Killer Lingering in Our Mouths

Oral Health and the Silent Killer Lingering in Our Mouths

Oral health: most of us think of it as a twice-daily routine, brushing our teeth and flossing, maybe followed by a refreshing swish of mouthwash. However, what many don’t realise is that our mouths are a battleground of bacteria, both good and bad. The war waging...

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Top 5 Warning Signs of Gum Disease You Shouldn’t Ignore

Top 5 Warning Signs of Gum Disease You Shouldn’t Ignore

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common but potentially serious condition. It starts with bacteria in plaque—an invisible, sticky layer that constantly forms on our teeth. When this plaque is not properly removed, it can lead to gum disease....

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Why Gum Disease in Young Adults is on the Rise

Why Gum Disease in Young Adults is on the Rise

Gum disease, once primarily associated with older age, has been associated with a surprising surge among young adults. This startling trend begs the question: Why? Let's delve into some of the primary reasons for this alarming increase.   Poor Oral Hygiene...

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Why You Should Visit a Periodontist?

Why You Should Visit a Periodontist?

In the vast world of dentistry, there exists a specialised field that often remains under the radar, yet plays a vital role in ensuring our smiles stay as healthy as possible: periodontics. If you've ever wondered about the importance of seeing a periodontist, you're...

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Early Warning Signs of Gum Disease

Early Warning Signs of Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease or periodontitis, is a sneaky condition. It starts silently but can lead to serious dental and health problems if left unchecked. Luckily, early detection can help in managing and even reversing the disease. Here are the...

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The Causes of Gum Disease: A Quick Dive

The Causes of Gum Disease: A Quick Dive

Gum disease, often referred to as periodontal disease or periodontitis, is a common but preventable condition affecting the tissues surrounding our teeth. Let’s explore the primary causes behind it. Poor Oral Hygiene The most prevalent cause of gum disease is...

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How Gum Health Is Connected to Your Immune System

How Gum Health Is Connected to Your Immune System

Our immune system is the body’s defence against harmful micro-organisms, substances, and abnormal cell changes in the body. You do not notice it working behind the scenes to keep you functioning properly but when the immune system is compromised you may fall ill. How...

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What happens when your gums recede (and can they grow back?)

What happens when your gums recede (and can they grow back?)

The roots of our teeth and the jaw bone that the teeth are seated in are covered and protected by the gums. In a healthy mouth the gums are tight and firm around the teeth. When the gums recede, they ‘shrink back’ and expose the root surface of the teeth. This can...

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Periodontal Disease Myths Explained

Periodontal Disease Myths Explained

There are many myths associated with periodontal disease. Let us debunk some of them here. I do not have cavities so I cannot have gum disease. The mouth contains many types of bacteria, some healthy and some harmful. The main bacteria that causes tooth decay is...

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