The first stage in periodontal treatment is a consultation appointment to establish the severity and extent of the periodontal disease. Once all of the information has been obtained about your individual requirements, a treatment plan can be devised.
Roxana, our Treatment Coordinator, will be on hand to guide you through your treatment options, appointments and fees to ensure you are able to make informed choices on the way to restoring your gum health.
Find out more about our treatment coordination process.

How to prevent gum disease.
Discover the ways in which you can prevent periodontitis and other forms of infections.
Treating gum (periodontal) disease
Once you have established the cause of gum disease and recognised the symptoms, your next step is to discuss what gum disease treatment is required. There are a number of types of treatment for gum disease.

Non-surgical periodontal therapy.
If the periodontal infection is in its earlier stages, it may be possible for non-surgical therapy and simply professionally cleaning the teeth. Non-surgical therapy aims to remove plaque, calculus (tartar) and toxins which are in contact with the tooth root surface from below the gum line.
Surgical periodontal therapy
If the gum disease has advanced beyond gingivitis, surgical intervention is likely to be required to decrease the risk of further deterioration. Surgical periodontal therapies will typically be prescribed in conjunction with non-surgical treatments and aim to either remove diseased gum and bone for better cleaning access, or to build missing tissue back to a healthier state.