I felt compelled to reach out to all existing patients as well as to any patients that will have the need to avail of our services in the future.
These are unprecedented times.
Due to the current climate that is impacting us all on a global scale, feelings of stress, anxiety and uncertainty are at an all-time high. The Global Pandemic facing us all is unchartered territory and none of us are untouched by its effects. It has altered each and every one of us and changed how we lead our daily lives. It has far reaching implications that have affected our lifestyles, daily routines and overall health.
It is a scientifically proven fact that increased and sustained levels of stress and anxiety result in lowered immunity. Which is why now, more than ever, we must be cognizant of taking the utmost care of our Mind, Body and Soul; to try and manage stress, pay closer attention to nutrition and implement some easy and effective daily health routines. One way we can achieve this is through trying to stick to positive routines that nurture all three of these, as they are intertwined and collectively, play a key and integral role in our well-being.
During such stressful and uncertain times, I would encourage all to be mindful of simple and doable practices which we have control over.
Clean between each tooth before toothbrushing once daily. Brush your teeth and clean your tongue twice a day before bed and on at least one other occasion. If mouthwash is indicated, use as advised. In hard to reach areas, use a single tufted brush.
Be aware of your nutrition and that you are choosing, where possible, vitamin and nutrient rich foods. Take a daily supplement or multi-vitamin.
Exercising, meditating, taking Epsom salt baths or going outside for fresh air or walks, while social distancing, are great ways to help reduce stress and anxiety.
Easy does it! These are small tasks yet effective tools and guidelines to follow that have positive results. Routines that are not overly time-consuming and can be adhered to should be viewed as great accomplishments!
For those of our patients who have completed Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment (deep cleaning) or are mid-way through this process and on the road to Supportive Periodontal Therapy (also known as maintenance), it is important to remember that periodontal disease cannot be cured but once stabilised, can be controlled. It is important to resume these treatments when it is safe to do so.
I, along with the rest of the Pure Periodontics team, are using this time to diligently look for new and innovative approaches that best serve you. Our commitment has always kept the patients’ health, well-being and safety top of mind. Whilst currently, the government has advised us to remain closed and I feel that this is best for both patients and staff.
Myself, along with the Pure Periodontics team, are looking forward and using this as a valuable opportunity to upgrade our approach, methodology and practice, so that we will be fully prepared to address all patients’ needs for our re-opening.
In the interim, any questions or concerns can be directed to [email protected]. And our website and social media will be updated on a regular basis.
Stay Safe and Stay Well,
Neesha Patel – Clinical Director: Pure Periodontics